Part.1 |
Part.2 |
Characteristics of the Economy and
Industry of Nagoya
Part.3 |
Industries in Nagoya City
Chap.1 |
Chap.2 |
Chap.3 |
Chap.4 |
Chap.5 |
Chap.6 |
Chap.7 |

Chapter1. Economy and Industrial Structure of the Greater Nagoya Area
- The Greater Nagoya Area accounts for about 10% of Japan's total economic
output. Specifically, the region accounts for 8.8% of the population,
9.7% of GNP, and 9.5% of citizens' income. Of particular note is the
shipment of manufactured products accounting for 18.2% of the nation's
total, with the manufacturing industry accounting for 32.7% of the
area's GNP. These figures show that the Greater Nagoya Area is driven
by the manufacturing industry.
- In the manufacturing industry of the Greater Nagoya Area, transportation
equipment accounts for the largest proportion (42.2%) in the shipment
of manufactured products. This high concentration of the transportation
equipment industry is reflected in the number of business establishments
and value added. The Greater Nagoya Area is also characterized by a
concentration of ceramics, quarrying, and textile industries as well
as the plastic products manufacturing industry.
- In terms of annual sales (revenues) by type of business in the Greater
Nagoya Area, the wholesale industry (37.8 trillion yen), the retail
industry (11.9 trillion yen), and the service industry (12.0 trillion
yen) account for 9.3%, 8.9%, and 7.9%, respectively, of the nation's
total. The wholesale industry is characterized by large sales and national
shares of businesses (including mineral/metal materials, automobiles,
and general machinery/appliances) that reflect the area's characteristic
as the center of the manufacturing industry. The retail industry is
also characterized by large sales and national shares in automobiles.
In the service industry, restaurants have the largest shares in Japan
by number of business establishments and revenues.
- Over the last 10 years, the population of the Greater Nagoya Area
has been growing faster than the national average. Citizens' income
growth within Aichi Prefecture has remained strong compared with the
national average. The number of business establishments within the
area has fallen by as many as 75,000 (12.7%) over the last eight years.
While the number of persons employed has fluctuated, the figure grew
by 5% in 2006. The area's GNP is characterized by an increase in the
secondary industry, showing that the brisk manufacturing industry drives
the economy of the Greater Nagoya Area.
- The Greater Nagoya Area refers to an area of approximately 100 km
radius around Nagoya City. The government, industry, and academia (including
research institutions) within the area have been working together to
promote industrial exchange on a global basis under what is known as
gthe Greater Nagoya Initiative.h